Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Checkout > Pharmaceutical labelling

Season 1 Episode | 22 Apr 2013 ABC1
Chronic Pain
Julian Morrow and Kirsten Drysdale, with the help of Andrew McLachlan (Professor of Pharmacy for the University of Sydney) give Nurofen and other pharmaceutical companies a headache over bogus medicine variants that are painfully expensive. Is the most active ingredient actually marketing?

Season 1

Episode , 2 May 2013
Spoilt for choice: Toothpaste
Julian Morrow goes toothpaste shopping and finds the ridiculous amount of product differentiation is a real mouthful.

Season 2 Episode | 27 Mar 2014 ABC1
Napisan Vanish has changed. The lid is bigger... so you use it up more quickly. No wonder they call it Vanish.

Season 2 Episode | 6 Mar 2014 ABC1
What's the difference between Allergan Refresh Tears Plus Eye Drops and Allergan Refresh Contacts Drops for Contact Lens Wearers? Apart from bogus product differentiation?

Season 2 Episode | 20 Feb 2014 ABC1
What's the difference between Johnson's Sorbolene and Johnson's Baby Sorbolene? Apart from the price?

Season 2 Episode | 10 Apr 2014
Apart from the price, what's the difference between Hy-Clor's Pool and Spa care products? The word 'spa'.

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