Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Plastic planet

Plastic Planet - part 1 by Dalsky
Plastic Planet - part 2 by Dalsky

Planet in peril

Crude impact

Bag it

Earth days

How to boil a frog

Carbon nation

Global warming: the signs and the science

No impact man

Full movie


Years of living dangerously

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

How many people can live on planet earth?

Earth: the climate wars

Surviving progress

SOBREVIVENDO AO PROGRESSO / Surviving Progress (2011) LEGENDA PT from famintos um on Vimeo.


Home (2009) from Aioleus on Vimeo.
HD version

The corporation


Emily Pilloton: Design revolution

TEAGUE Academy/Emily Pilloton from TEAGUE on Vimeo.

Emily Pilloton, Project H — Changing the World by Design from Sappi Fine Paper on Vimeo.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dimitri Berti: PSS

Strategic Design & Product-Service-System - Dimitri Berti from Dimitri Berti on Vimeo.

Miles Park: Designing out obsolescence

The Checkout

Cameron Tonkinwise: Design thinking and sustainability

Cameron Tonkinwise - TD Guest Speaker / Designer in Residence Program from Emily Carr University on Vimeo.

Cameron Tonkinwise at Open Government Melbourne from Darren Sharp on Vimeo.

Cameron Tonkinwise: Sustainability & Design from CMU Design on Vimeo.

AT4 - Cameron Tonkinwise - Environment from Parsons SCE on Vimeo.

Cameron Tonkinwise talk at MFA Products of Design from MFA Products of Design on Vimeo.


e-wasteland from David Fedele on Vimeo.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

PSS > OzHarvest

Rachel Botsman: collaborative consumption

Collaborative consumption in Australia
The implications of collaborative consumption
Collaborative Consumption infographic
14 collaborative consumption websites for a sustainable Sydney
Experiments and innovations in collaborative consumption
Are modern products good enough to allow for collaborative consumption?
Collaborative Consumption book summary poster
More at

Lisa Gansky: sharing is the future of business

Lisa Gansky from meshing on Vimeo.

Lisa Gansky at Compostmodern '11 from AIGA San Francisco on Vimeo.

Susan Weinschenk: getting people to do stuff

Eric Schaffer: persuasive design

Cheat Neutral

Nir Eyal: Habits and behaviours

Jeni Cross: Behaviour change

Doug McKenzie-Mohr: Fostering sustainable behaviour

Keynote Doug McKenzie-Mohr from Hawaii Conservation Alliance on Vimeo.

Behavioural Dynamics Institute

BJ Fogg: behaviour change model

Simplicity changes behaviour

Use 'after' to create a habit

15 ways behaviour can change

Psychology of persuasion

BJ Fogg website
Behaviour wizard

Behaviour grid Dr BJ Fogg, founder of the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, provides a convenient model for understanding how we can use design to influence behavioral change.

More at

Dan Lockton: Design with intent

Dan Lockton on Designing With Intent from The Sense Network on Vimeo.

Casper Boks: Sustainable behaviours

Robert Cialdini: Persuasion and influence

Roman Krznaric: Empathy and outrospection

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Daniel Pink: motivation, persuasion


The cleantech future

The century of the self

The Century Of Self: Happiness Machines (Episode1) from Roses of Time on Vimeo.

The Century Of The Self - Engineering Of... by onderkoffer

The Century Of The Self - There is a Policeman... by onderkoffer

The Century Of The Self - Eight People Sipping... by onderkoffer

Surplus: terrorized into being consumers


Tim Brown: From design to design thinking

MIT Video - Innovation Through Design Thinking

David Kelley: IDEO deep dive

IDEO deep dive from lee on Vimeo.

Discovery Channel: Carbon footprint

The Discovery Channel video "Global Warming : what you need to know : carbon footprint" demonstrates how much carbon dioxide the average American family produces and presents a graphical timeline of global warming throughout history. Hosted by Tom Brokaw, interviewing NASA's top climate scientist Dr James Hansen and Princeton University professors Michael Oppenheimer and Stephen Pacala.

Assessing life-cycle sustainability of products

Okala Practitioner: Chapter 10 Life cycle assessment
Okala Practitioner: Chapter 11 Okala impact factors
Okala Practitioner: Chapter 12 Using Okala impact factors

Waste not

©2011 Total Environment Centre. 26 min.
 Available to UNSW community as streaming video from UNSW Library.

BBC: The truth about climate change

Plastic planet

PLASTIC PLANET - Ein Film von Werner Boote from Doku Dog on Vimeo.

An inconvenient truth

Uma Verdade Inconveniente - An Inconvenient Truth (2006) Legendado PT from MDDVTM TV7 on Vimeo.

Downloadable study guide for the climate change movie, An Inconvenient Truth, winner of the 2007 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.

UNSW Library holds two copies: PDVD 363.73874/63.

Autodesk Sustainability Workshop: Improving product lifetime

More information at

Autodesk Sustainability Workshop: Lightweighting

More information at

Autodesk Sustainability Workshop: Green materials selection

More information at

Autodesk Sustainability Workshop: Energy efficient design

More information at

McDonough+Braungart: The next industrial revolution

The Next Industrial Revolution from Christopher B. Bedford on Vimeo.

Waste = Food from Hans Fleischer on Vimeo.

A 56-min SBS documentary featuring the "Cradle to Cradle" concept proposed by William McDonough and Michael Braungart. DVD available at UNSW Library 745.2/231.

Autodesk sustainability workshop: Whole systems and lifecycle thinking

More information at

The 11th hour

92 min documentary produced by Leonardo di Caprio. Explores the indelible footprint that humans have left on this planet, and the catastrophic effects of environmental neglect and abuse, and calls for restorative action through a reshaping of human activity.

The men who made us spend

Friday, July 18, 2014

The lightbulb conspiracy = Pyramids of waste

©2010 Arte France

The Story of Stuff Project

Giving packaging a new life

'Giving packaging a new life', ©2001 Duales System Deutschland, Frankfurter Straße 720-726 Köln Germany. Produced by ECC Kohtes Klewes Bonn and realized by Film4Ma Köln.

How it's made: packaging products

How it's made: packaging recycling processes

Consumerism: big idea that changed the world

Consumed: is our consumer culture leading to disaster?

Extreme recycling: Zero waste world

National Geographic: The human footprint

Educational resource PDF
Educational resource Interactive Flash

National Geographic: World without oil

National Geographic: The story of earth and global warming

Packaging and the environment

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The end of suburbia


Tapped from William on Vimeo.

Design e2

Sorting your recycling

Genius of Design

Not business as usual

Don't frack our future

There's no tomorrow

Revenge of the electric car

Who killed the electric car?

Who Killed the Electric Car? from Julien Chaulieu on Vimeo.

©2006, 90 min
DVD available at UNSW Library PDVD 629.2293/29
Trailer at
Trailer at

Cheat neutral

Trailer 02:30

Full movie 12:42

Monday, July 14, 2014

CC/PSS > Reusable food box system


CC/PSS > Ride-sharing, carpooling

Wikipedia article

CC/PSS > Electric car sharing

Electric charging stations

Car2Go Amsterdam

AutoLib Paris

ZipCar San Francisco

DriveNow San Francisco

CC/PSS > Car sharing

Car sharing, car clubs

Wikipedia article

Collaborative Consumption PSS projects @ UNSW

Examples of collaborative consumption or product-service systems projects by UNSW Industrial Design students.

MummyCare self prenatal care kit
Ronald Turinuddin, Raymond Vuong, Joseph Louis Tan, Phillip Serna, Joshua Cope-Summerfield

Sydney Cycle Hub
Hollie Baigent, Jeff Hunt, Tom Wilson, James Turnbull

WormUnit rooftop vermicomposting system
Jessica Tong, Jennifer Rondolo, Mina Chung, Lyvia Alam, Josephine Kim

BSafe urban bicycle helmet sharing system
Sean Ying Kit Lee, Lisa Li, Wendy Tan, Huon Lui

Replenish responsible bottled water usage
Chris Bull, Raymond Cyril, Mary Harrington

Sandwich economy