Friday, September 21, 2012

PSS: Toiletry refill stations

In the 1990s customers who bought bottled shampoo and conditioner at the Body Shop had the incentive of refilling those bottles in the shop, for less dollars because of the savings from reusing packaging. There were 900 Body Shop "refill bars" in 40 countries. However in 2002 this PSS was discontinued due to only 1% of customers participating.

The Enticements Soap Shop of Norwood in Adelaide allows customers to refill their own bottles.

In 2010 The Refill Shoppe in California revived the idea of consumer refilling of shampoo, conditioner, window cleaner, laundry detergent and other products.

In 2012 Use Me Products started their Filling Station in Maine where salon customers can refill their empty bottles of cleansers and moisturizers.

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