Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the Circular Economy


First World Problem Store

100% Placebo 100% Peppermint 100% Effective First World Problem Pills are 100% peppermint and solve all your everyday dilemmas. They are also 100% placebo and 100% of the profit goes to Aids Fonds’ aim to provide HIV medication to people who can’t afford it. Medication for medication that is.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

'Welfare cars': wheelchair friendly vehicles





Wednesday, June 3, 2015

IBM Biomimicry Challenge 2010

IBM Biomimicry Challenge from Smart Design on Vimeo.

UNICEF Wearables


Powerade Workout Billboards


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Pulse energy harnessing jump rope

http://unchartedplay.com/products/the-pulse-green http://greensportsblog.com/2014/05/01/uncharted-play-2-0-generating-innovation-and-electricity-through-jumping-rope/ http://nationswell.com/simple-toy-bring-electricity-developing-world/

Centre for Active Design


In-taxi exercising


Olympic Change

http://www.psfk.com/2013/11/subway-fitness-free-rides.html http://edition.cnn.com/2013/11/15/tech/apparently-this-matters-squats-moscow-subway/ http://mashable.com/2013/11/12/russian-subway-squats/

Sunday, March 29, 2015

LifeCube instant shelter

Inhabitat article

SaveOneLife in-shoe mine detector

Parasite inflatable shelter

Michael Rakowitz: Parasite

IKEA flat pack shelters

Inhabitat article

Lifesaver jerrycans

Inhabitat article

Nigeria Floating School

Inhabitat article


<.br> ShelterBox

Sleeping bag mobile shelter

Insulated sleeping bag expands into mobile shelter for homeless
Coat transforms into sleeping bag for homeless

Solight Solarpuff lantern

Inhabitat: Solight Solarpuff Solight Design

LUCI inflatable solar lantern

A little solar powered lantern named LUCI

Energizer Solar LED Lantern

LUMINAID inflatable solar lantern



Humanitarian design

Bruce Nussbaum: Is humanitarian design the new imperialism?

Leon Kaye: The backlash against humanitarian design.

Design Observer: Humanitarian Design vs New Imperialism, debate summary

TED: Ten TED talks on humanitarian design

Engineers Without Borders: Humanitarian Design Summits

Inhabitat: Humanitarian Design
Inhabitat: Disaster-proof design

Worldchanging: Design, disasters and the value of thinking big

UNISDR: 2015 World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

Field Innovation Team: Real-time innovations for disasters

AIGA: What does it mean to design for disasters?

Web Ecoist: 14 emergency shelter concepts

FastCoDesign: Architects on how to design for disasters

National Building Museum: Designing for disasters

Catalyst Review: Mitigating risks for disasters in Thailand

Project Life: Design for disasters

Sphere Project: Humanitarian charter and minimum standards in disaster response

Australia Unlimited: Helping the world to manage natural disasters

Deloitte: Building our nations resilience to natural disasters



8: Millennium Development Goals

8 is an anthology film consisting of eight short films centered on the eight Millennium Development Goals. Eight directors had "carte blanche" to treat one of the eight topics:

Segment by Abderrahmane Sissako: Tiya's Dream (Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger) Segment by Gael García Bernal: The Letter (Achieve universal primary education) Segment by Mira Nair: How Can It Be? (Promote gender equality and empower women) Segment by Gus Van Sant: Mansion on the Hill (Reduce child mortality rate) Segment by Jan Kounen: The Story of Panshin Beka (Improve maternal health) Segment by Gaspar Noé: SIDA (Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases) Segment by Jane Campion: The Water Diary (Ensure environmental sustainability) Segment by Wim Wenders: Person to Person (Develop a global partnership for development)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cola-powered toys with biobatteries



Thursday, February 5, 2015

Design Thinking Action Lab: Ideate, Prototype, Test

Design Thinking Action Lab: Define + Empathize

Creating sustainable value for a business

Sustainability for All: Jonathon Porritt at TEDxExeter

4 Principles to Win the Sustainability 'Game' (conditions of success)

How It Works: Design Thinking [IBM Think Academy]

Ecological footprint: Do we fit on our planet?

Sustainability: the threshold explained in 20 seconds (spaghetti analogy)

Systems thinking: an introduction

Amsterdam Exploring the Sharing City

Amsterdam Exploring the Sharing City

It's the Little Things - short sustainability animation

How to Create Social Sustainability Design Teams

How to Create Social Sustainability Design Teams

Is Curitiba the world's greenest city?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Engineers Without Borders Australia - Who We Are

How a Brazilian City Has Revolutionized Urban Planning

Big Questions for a Better Built Environment

Green Star rating tools and the sustainable built environment

Green Star rating tools and the sustainable built environment

Steve Howard: Let's go all-in on selling sustainability

Solidworks Sustainable Design Guide


Human Centered Design

What is Human centered Design

Aveda Sourcing Story: Brazilian Uruku

Aveda Holiday 2013: Improving Lives with Aveda

Michael Porter: Why business can be good at solving social problems

B Corp Anthem - B The Change

C2C Social Fairness guidelines for designers

Ecover Ocean Plastic Project

GOOD Business: Ice Stone

C2C Water Stewardship guidelines for designers

C2C Renewable Energy guidelines for designers

gugler* goes Cradle to Cradle®: That's how nature would print.

The circular economy: from consumer to user

XD Design Boom eco mug



Replenish Bottle

Replenish- Click "Like" if you think it's a better way to clean! from Replenish on Vimeo.

Introducing the PUMA InCycle Collection

The 10 Hot Consumer Trends of 2014

Life in 2030

Sharing Energy in the City: 2030

DESSO Refinity®

The Miracle Metal

C2C Material Reutilization guidelines for designers

The Future of Our Future

Ecococon straw panel presentation EN

ECOR UCP - Cradle to Cradle Product Inovation Challenge

Accoya® wood - sustainable, eco-friendly & FSC certified wood.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Car-free cities
